The Love Dare – Day 39

by | The Love Dare

(You can read more details explaining how we are doing the dare here: The Love Dare with FirefighterWife)

Love Endures

 Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:8

Excerpt from The Love Dare Book:

“If love is really love, it doesn’t waffle when it’s not received the way you want it to be.  If love can be told to quit loving, then it’s not really love.  Love that is from God is unending, unstoppable.  If the object of its affection doesn’t choose to receive it, love keeps giving anyway.

Love never fails.


When you have done everything within your power to obey God, your spouse may still forsake you and walk away – just as Jesus’ followers did to Him.  But if your marriage fails, if your spouse walks away, let it not be because you gave up or stopped loving them.

Love never fails.

So today your dare is to put your unfailing love into the most powerful, personal words you can.  This is your chance to declare that no matter what imperfections exist – both in you and in your spouse – your love is greater still.  No matter what they’ve done or how often they’ve done it, you choose to love them anyway.  Though you’ve been far from steady in your treatment of them over the years, your days of being inconsistent in love are over.  You accept this one man or woman as God’s special gift to you, and you promise to love them until death.

You’re saying to your spouse, “Even if you don’t like what you’re reading – even if you don’t like me – I choose to love you anyway.  Forever.”

Because love never fails.”

This is your chance to declare that no matter what imperfections exist – both in you and in your spouse – your love is greater still.

Last week we sat in the church behind a young couple with 2 young children.  She has terminal cancer.  And on the other side of them was a man whom we know through our kids’ sports.  He attends church each week alone, with his kids but without his wife who is not a believer.

I think our bickering and challenges are pointless compared to both of their struggles and I thank God those are not burdens he’s asked us to carry.  Amen?

I’m going to write my love letter now.  Because I never want my love to fail this marriage.

From Pinterest

From Pinterest

He delights in unchanging love.  (Micah 7:18)

Today’s Dare

Spend time in personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse.  Include why you are committing to this marriage until death, and that you have purposed to love them no matter what.  Leave it in a place where your mate will find it.


How are you doing?  Has it been easy?  Struggling?

Big question for the fire wives…..also being discussed in our private group,   Only one more day to go.  I know this dare has changed some lives.  Let’s share our successes as an encouragement to others and a celebration of your dedication to your marriage.

(note:  this might be a very private topic for you.  If so, you can always reach me at contact#!&

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On a mission to be and inspire us all to be better humans, to strengthen fire families & marriages, to nurture and encourage fire wives, do "good business" in all areas of my life and of course, love on my 4 kids.

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