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Chapter 5 talks you through ways you can ease the cycle of the home-to-station and station-to-home transition. Long, difficult shifts can result in irritability and exhaustion. Spouse: How can you help your firefighter relax and let go when they get home? Firefighter: How can you keep from taking out the emotional and physical exhaustion you have on your spouse? Find a way that works for both of you and make those rocky transitions smooth.

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Disarming Your Irritable, Sleep-Deprived Firefighter







Each spouse plays a roll in how things go when a firefighter comes home from a shift. A sleepless night full of difficult calls can have an effect on the whole family. What can you do to help your firefighter when they come home in a not-so-perfect mood?


The Perspective of a Firefighter Husband

Now a Word from Firefighter Husband – Act Natural

FF Husband







Why can they be so irritable when they get home? Read Dan’s experience and his advice on how to handle the transition.





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When a Firefighter is Irritable, Grumpy, and Disengaged When He’s Home

This article is so important because we’ve all been there yet so few admit it and talk about it. There is no shame in relating to this or even sharing this post. You never know who is suffering and needs these words. Let’s just start with these words straight from the...