by Megan -- FireWifey | Jun 6, 2014 | Everyday, Firefighter Marriage, Guest Posts, Inspiring Stories of Marriage Success
As I write this, we are one full month into a regular fire schedule. I use the term “regular” rather loosely. As many veteran fire wives can attest, there really is no such thing as regular. Things come up, shifts get traded, overtime gets mandatoried, and so on....
by Firefighter Wife | Mar 28, 2014 | Everyday, Firefighter Marriage
Shhhhhhh! I have a big secret to share! I really enjoy days my husband is gone at the fire house. Sure there are some when Murphy strikes hard and I just NEED him to come home. But if he was here almost every day and we shared a bed almost every night, I truly...
by Firefighter Wife | Feb 14, 2014 | Behavioral Health, Everyday, Family Health, Fire Family Life
There are a million and one reasons to dislike Valentine’s Day. From the over inflated commercialism to the hurt from it not even being acknowledged (yes, us women can be difficult to decipher!) But if your marriage is struggling due to one spouse struggling...
by Firefighter Wife | Nov 11, 2013 | Difficult Calls, Fire Family Life
All these years and I’ve never done a ride along at my husband’s station. It truly only ever occurred to me that I should (or even could) after some conversations here in our fire wife community. It’s so not my domain and not a match for my skill...
by Firefighter Wife | Oct 22, 2013 | Fire Family Life
I just knew the 40’s would be magnificent. I’ve always sensed it and perhaps it’s simply that….the attitude with which I’ve entered my 40’s is with great expectations. Year one is now in my history files and left some...